Public Opinion 48% Snapshot of men feel it’s Maybe it’s sci-fi lore; maybe ‘completely’ or ‘mostly’ it’s fears it’ll somehow exceed acceptable to augment ...What human ability and render us a body with technology, obsolete. But not everyone compared to 38% of about the is comfortable with the idea women.2 of human augmentation. For construction example, 39% of people think industry? human augmentation will be dangerous for society.2 63% would consider With the global market for However, many see the augmenting our bodies human augmentation projected positive ways in which human with technology to to reach US $22.4 billion by augmentation can improve improve them – either the year 2027,3 many players lives. 63% would consider permanently or in multiple industries will begin augmenting our bodies temporarily.2 driving development of human with technology to improve augmentation for their applica- them – either permanently or tions. 2 temporarily. That’s particularly true for industries such as 53% There is growing momentum construction, where human of those in favor of behind human augmentation augmentation can help make augmentation believe in the construction industry working on jobsites safer, it will improve quality and as a result construction address labor shortages, and of life 2 technology is getting safer. enhance productivity. While these innovations will never replace highly-skilled construction workers, the 40% technology can help support would use them – making working on job- augmentation to sites safer, addressing skilled improve their overall labor shortages and enhancing physical health.2 productivity. One way the industry is imple- menting human augmentation 39% is through exoskeletons – of people think human wearable systems that provide augmentation will be physical assistance to its users dangerous for society.2 through assistive torque and/or structural support. The sys- tem is worn on the body and follows the user’s movements, no – or very limited – modifi- cations of the workplace are required. 3 / HUMAN AUGMENTATION

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